Nevanlinna–Pick interpolation

In complex analysis, Nevanlinna–Pick interpolation is the problem of finding a holomorphic function from the unit disc to the unit disc (denoted \mathbb{D}), which takes specified points to specified points. Equivalently, it is the problem of finding a holomorphic function f which interpolates a data set, subject to the upper bound \left\vert f(z) \right\vert \le 1 for all z \in \mathbb{D}.

More formally, if z1, ..., zN and w1, ..., wN are collections of points in the unit disc, the Nevanlinna–Pick problem is the problem of finding a holomorphic function


such that

f(wi) = zi for all i between 1 and N.

The problem was independently solved by G. Pick and R. Nevanlinna in 1916 and 1919 respectively. It was shown that such an f exists if and only if the Pick matrix

\left( \frac{1-w_i \overline{w_j}}{1-z_i \overline{z_j}} \right)_{i,j=1}^N

is positive semi-definite. Also, the function f is unique if and only if the Pick matrix has zero determinant. Pick's original proof was based on Blaschke products.


It can be shown that the Hardy space H 2 is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space, and that its reproducing kernel (known as the Szegő kernel) is

K(a,b)=\left(1-b \bar{a} \right)^{-1}.\,

Because of this, the Pick matrix can be rewritten as

\left( (1-w_i \overline{w_j}) K(z_j,z_i)\right)_{i,j=1}^N.\,

This description of the solution has motivated various attempts to generalise Nevanlinna and Pick's result.

The Nevanlinna–Pick problem can be generalised to that of finding a holomorphic function f:R\to\mathbb{D} that interpolates a given set of data, where R is now an arbitrary region of the complex plane.

M. B. Abrahamse showed that if the boundary of R consists of finitely many analytic curves (say n + 1), then an interpolating function f exists if and only if

\left( (1-w_i \overline{w_j}) K_\lambda (z_j,z_i)\right)_{i,j=1}^N\,

is a positive semi-definite matrix, for all λ in the n-torus. Here, the Kλs are the reproducing kernels corresponding to a particular set of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, which are related to the set R. It can also be shown that f is unique if and only if one of the Pick matrices has zero determinant.
